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Sanjib Pal
D.E.E,B.E(EE),M.Tech (EDPS)
17 Year 9 Months
Electrical Engineering
The Electrical Engineering Department is one of the best department of
RERF. All the labs of this department are fully equipped with advance
level instruments. I want to congratulate all the existing students who
are studying in this department as well as I welcome to all the students
who will take the admission in this department.
Considering the need of Electrical Engineering, management of RERF started electrical engineering branch since academic year 2009 with the intake capacity of 60. Nowadays, power crises are being faced by all sectors. Government is emphasizing to cope up with the demand of electricity. Industries in various fields are also coming up with the huge demand of electrical engineering aspirants. This all scenario has given the momentum for the opportunities for the electrical engineers. The department has highly qualified and well experienced teaching staff. So far as to make the students practically perfect, the department has well established laboratories with modern equipment so as to provide the full-fledged training to the students. The department has also additional modern equipment apart from regular requirement considering the modern era of industries.
Integrated Campus
Phone: 7980738879